shootART / Christopher Burke Studios is a NYC based photography studio specializing in the documentation and reproduction of fine art.
Our Chelsea studio—with freight elevator access—can accommodate photography of two & three dimensional artworks and gallery headshots. shootART is fully insured and equipped for on location work in galleries, museums, storage facilities, artist studios, and private residences throughout all five boroughs of New York City, the Greater Tri-State Area, and Los Angeles, CA.
installation photography
high resolution art documentation
video documentation + editing
artist portraits
photo retouching
color correction
film/transparency scans
book spreads
staff headshots
art handling + installation
We deliver color-corrected and retouched images as 16 bit TIFF files at a standard size of 7000 pixels alongside preview sized jpegs with the ability to accommodate for larger imaging needs upon request.
Standard turnaround time for photography is 1-3 days but may vary depending on the scope and post-production needs of individual projects.